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Step 1 Draft the By-Law

Using DIY By-Laws you can easily add your lot details, select what areas you are renovating and attach the relevant plans to create a by-law and motion instantly! Your by-law will describe any impact there may be to common property (for example, waterproofing in bathroom, moving plumbing or external walls).

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Step 2 Before the Meeting

You will now need to give your draft by-law and consent form to your strata manager to be included in the agenda for the next annual general meeting. If there is not one coming up anytime soon, ask your strata manager the fee to call a meeting.

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Step 3 The Agenda

The strata manager will attach your motion to the agenda and be sent out to owners in your strata scheme 21 days before the meeting.

Make sure you have also given your consent form to the strata manager before the meeting.

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Step 4 The General Meeting

Your motion will be discussed at the AGM and details will be reviewed. Then a vote will be taken by all owners attending (and via proxy) the AGM on your motion. This will be specially resolved and you will get approval or could be asked to provide changes or more detail. A majority vote will get this approved.

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Step 5 Consolidation

Once this has been resolved, the new by-law needs to be added to full list of by-laws, thereby consolidating the new one with the existing by-laws.


DIY By-Laws can assist you with this step too!

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Step 6 Registration

The new by-law must be registered with Land Registry Services within 6 months.

A lawyer, your strata manager or DIY By-Laws can also assist you with this step.

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Step 7 Start Your Renovation!

Now that you have completed all the necessary steps you can start your renovations.


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Do I still need Consent from the Owners Corporation if I already have Council Approval?

Categories: By-Laws, Common Property, Renovations

In a strata scheme building, the owners corporation is the legal owner of the common property. When lot owners propose to carry out works that require statutory approval (such as development consent/complying development certificate), it is highly likely that they will also require consent from the owners corporation if those works impact on common property.

In a recent case of the Owners Strata Plan 70989 v Afghan Community Support Association of NSW Inc, the respondent Afghan Community Support Association of NSW Inc (‘ACNC’) carried out multiple structural works on common property including alterations of roof frame structures, metal roof sheeting, excavation of a ground floor slab, construction of additional floor structures, extension of a mezzanine level and changed the use of the lot from a warehouse to a mortuary. ACNC submitted that Council approval had been granted to convert the existing warehouse into a mortuary and no objections were received by the Council before the construction certificate was issued. Additionally, the ACNC claimed that they had requested to convene a general meeting with the strata manager to discuss the proposed use of the property, however their request was not answered.

The Tribunal was of the opinion that the unauthorised works carried out by ACNC had caused damage to common property or another lot. As a result, it made an order, pursuant to the provisions under Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (‘the Act’), that ACNC had to remove the unauthorised works and restore the common property to its previous state and repair any damage to the common property. The reasoning behind such order was derived from the requirements set out in sections 108 and 111 of the Act where an owner of a lot in a strata scheme must not carry out work on the common property unless:

  • the owner is authorised to do so under Part 6 of the Act;
  • under a common property rights by-law; or
  • by an approval of the owners corporation given by special resolution or in any other manner authorised by the by-laws.

This message is clearly demonstrated in Stolfa v Owners Strata Plan 4366 & Ors [2009] NSWSC 589 in which it was found in circumstances where the relevant Council had approved the works and a development application had been granted, did not relieve a lot owner from their obligation to seek approval from the owners corporation for works.  That means, Council approval does not simply replace approval from an owners corporation.

Accordingly, a lot owner who proposes to undertake works that impact on common property must take reasonable steps to seek permission from the owners corporation before carrying out any alterations to common property. This can be achieved by requesting a motion for approval of the works to be placed on the notice of a general meeting, along with a draft common property rights by-law.

What can the owners corporation do against unauthorised works?

Generally, works will be classified unauthorised if those works impact on common property and no consent has been granted by the owners corporation. Noting the owners corporation has a strict duty to repair and maintain common property, they may demand that the lot owner return the common property to its original condition. Failing compliance, the owners corporation may seek orders from the Tribunal under section 132 of the Act. If the Tribunal is satisfied that the work carried out by or for an owner or occupier on any part of the parcel of the scheme has caused damage to common property or another lot, the Tribunal may make an order requiring the owner or occupier of the lot to:

  • perform work or takes other steps to repair or rectify the damage to common property; or
  • pay to the owners corporation or another lot owner a specified amount for the cost of repairs of the damage and any associated costs, including insurance and legal costs.

Having said that, there is always a quicker and cheaper solution to a matter- an owners corporation may require the lot owner to submit a common property rights by-law with a full scope of works, relevant plans and structural reports to seek retrospective approval from the owners corporation for the existing works at a general meeting. If the owners corporation is satisfied with the works and the by-law, the owners corporation will specially resolve to make the by-law and once registered, the works will be deemed authorised ( i.e. the lot owner will then be able to keep their works).

However, if the lot owner refuses to make a by-law or provide their written consent to the making of a by-law, the owners corporation can, pursuant to section 149 of the Act, seek orders from the Tribunal to make an order for a common property rights by-law to be made, provided the Tribunal finds that the lot owner has unreasonably refused to make a common property rights by-law.

Key takeaways

  • Having council approval does not simply replace the requirement for owners corporation consent;
  • Works will still be deemed unauthorised in the absence of consent from the owners corporation; and
  • A lot owner should not overlook the implication of any unauthorised works as the owners corporation has power to seek orders from Tribunal to enforce against any unauthorised works carried out by lot owners.

Should you require advice on this issue or assistance in preparing a common property rights by-law for your proposed works, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us directly at or on 02 9929 0226.

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ABOUT US: DIY By-Laws is a division of leading strata law firm, Bannermans Lawyers. We are an innovative law firm, constantly striving to develop and create solutions for our clients and our industry and this platform is part of our vision to deliver digital legal services to the Australian property and strata industries.

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